Ongoing Support & Website Maintenance

Once your website is up and running, we’ll still be here to make sure things are running smoothly. We pride ourselves on forging long term relationships with our clients.

Fixed Hours

If you know you’ll need consistent support from month-to-month, we offer monthly retainers for clients who choose fixed hours agreements.

Starting at 2 hours per month and going up to as many hours as you think you’ll need, a regular commitment will get you preferential rates and we’ll ensure you’re a priority when you make requests. Our fixed hours agreements are flexible and cost effective.


If your needs are less predictable, not to worry. All our clients can request maintenance on an as-and-when basis, meaning you can rest assured that if work needs doing on your website at any time – be it a month or a year after your website launches – we’ll be ready to make it happen.

What if I’ve never worked with LazenbyBrown Digital before?

Our support and maintenance packages don’t just apply to pre-existing clients. Even if we’ve not worked with you before, if you find your website in need of some TLC we’ll be happy to lend a hand. Fixed hours and pay-as-you-go maintenance arrangements are available to all clients, old and new.