Thin Ice Press

A new future for heritage print in York, The Thin Ice Press is here to help save an endangered craft, build a community, and establish a unique creative centre in the heart of York.

We worked with the team behind the thin ice press to explore the archive with a number of hands on print sessions and a brand personality workshop. Using the key traits we uncovered in the sessions we created a bold new brand platform that perfectly balances the rich history of print in the City with a bold and confident creative direction.

So why ‘Thin Ice Press’?

In 1739 the winter frost turned all the rivers of York into ice and local printer Thomas Gent set up a press on the River Ouse, Gent wrote about his experience:

‘The frost having been extremely intense, the rivers became so frozen that I printed names upon the ice. It was a dangerous spot on the south side of the bridge where I first up, as it were, a new kind of press, only a roller wrapt with blankets.

The event received many spectators, but the thin, cracking ice soon caused the audience to flee

The centre is currently crowdfunding, if you can support their cause please visit